This is on a K6-III (pentium clone):
gfp called by non-running (1) task from c011a212! => do_wp_page+1a
gfp called by non-running (1) task from c011a5fa! => do_swap_page+e6
gfp called by non-running (1) task from c0121d8a! => read_swap_cache_async+32
The do_swap_page error occurred 5 times over four hours; the others
occurred once. I was just editing and compiling C++ code in Xemacs
over Gnome/X-Windows (Redhat 6.1 distribution). Note, my code is NFS
mounted so the compilation cycles generated a fair amount of network
activity. The object files are written to local disk so the compiler
is also generating moderated activity on the local e2fs file systems.
-Ben McCann
-- Ben McCann Indus River Networks 31 Nagog Park Acton, MA, 01720 email: web: phone: (978) 266-8140 fax: (978) 266-8111- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at
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