Forwarded message:
> ..... sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me
> ....
.. snip bit about being a smart company ..
> The rules are simple:
> We sell Windows NT/2000 NetMigrate software for 199.99/copy
> Linux 2.0/2.2/2.3/2.4 binaries we sell for 49.99/copy (they
> are also free in Linux but for the contest, you must buy a license to be
> counted, and provide a NetWare server serial number to provde you
> converted it to Linux or Windows NT/2000).
It's your contest, but I'd suggest that you could rethink your rules.
If you contest is only to drum up business (why else would you offer
it) then you are going to be disappointed by the linux community
responce. Why should I pay spend $50 to enter a contest? (As a
Sysadmin I can buy an O'Rielly book for that.) Admittably, I don't
know the Netware Market (or Netware).
What type of Linux license are you talking about? (RedHat? SuSE?)
My immediate reaction is that you're ripping off your Linux customers,
by giving them the impression that Linux is under the same licensing
conditions as MS (and can be sold that way). Are they made aware that
this license that you offering, means nothing in terms additional
rights that they don't already have. [As oppose to Microsoft...]
Shouldn't I be able to claim that I already have a valid Linux
License, and hence should be elegible to enter into your contest,
regardless of where I got it from. [Again, it's you contest, but arn't
you being discrimitory?]
Why not value-add and offer additional Linux support packages?
Or talk the Linux Professional Institute and offer hold their exams?
.. and allow participants to enter the contest, based on Novel
Licenses quoted.
Then, you'll be seen as one of the Good Guys[TM] in the community.
> The analysts say that Linux WILL take 17% of the NetWare installed base
> (about 2 million nodes). It's almost time to go and get them.
How many do you think you'll get?
Paul Schulz( SysAdmin
CAE MRad, Innovation House West, First Avenue, TECHNOLOGY PARK SA 5095
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