Re: Scheduled Transfer Protocol on Linux

From: Matti Aarnio (
Date: Sun Feb 13 2000 - 16:56:28 EST

On Sun, Feb 13, 2000 at 12:24:46PM -0800, Larry McVoy wrote:
> The thing that worries me much more than whether or not it will happen,
> is whether or not all the drivers talk to each other with something
> better than good old TCP. Something like STP is very obviously needed
> and if the SGI STP/Linux is any good at all, I'll push it like crazy
> as a standard for the disk drives. Since I'm just one voice in the
> wilderness, you all should be thinking about this and pushing it as
> well if you decide it's a good plan. Otherwise, what we end up with is
> Maxtor's "Accelerated Network Attached Disk Protocol" which doesn't talk
> to Quantum's version, etc. That shrinks the market dramatically.

        Yes, I can see market for such beasts. Right now the de-facto
        model for "networked" disks is FiberChannel.

        How exactly would STP interface differ from FC ?
        E.g. how STP would be better than FC ?

        (Semiob technology comment: These days embedded market
         has things like PowerPC on a chip with heaps of fancy
         peripherals -- like 4xFE, or 2xSTM-1 ATM, MMUs, timers,
         DRAM interfaces, etc.. having a gigabit serial interface
         there isn't very big leap onwards)

/Matti Aarnio <>

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