Strange HD Corruption on machine -VID card? (2.3.40)

From: Mike Panetta (
Date: Mon Feb 14 2000 - 11:39:31 EST

I am getting really strange HD corruption on a semi embedded box
that has no video card. The corruption only occurs when the riser
card that has the video card on it is not attached. If I attach the
video card (riser card) the corruption in progress gets fixed by e2fsck.
If I dont put a riser card on the box within 3 rebots the / partition is
completely trashed and can be found in lost+found. What could be causing
this crazyness? The kernel being used is 2.3.40. I have not had a chance
to test the latest 2.3 kernels. It was compiled for an i586. The
corruption occurs (accourding to the logs) in blocks 11-254 or thereabouts.
Its not every block... But its almost every one in that range.

I can get exact logs if needed.

Please help!

Mike Panetta


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