Hi James.
>>> But thanks for clearing up a misconception -- that multiple NICs
>>> on the same wire is really not useful.
>> Oh, they have one very useful feature: Take a machine with
>> multiple 10baseT network interfaces that needs Linux installing
>> over a network to it. The easiest way is simply to connect all
>> of the network interfaces to the same BNC cable, then it doesnae
>> matter which one gets used to download...
> Sorry that I'm coming into the middle of this thread, so I don't
> know everything, but I would argue that multiple NICs on the
> same wire/hub would be moderately useful in a few cases:
The actual thread was about multiple NIC's that were ON THE SAME
SUBNET as far as the IP address allocated to them was concerned. In
that context, the above is about the only use for that arrangement
that I've ever come across.
I would agree that all of the suggestions you made are valid uses for
two NIC's on the same wire, but in different subnets though.
> o Traffic accounting
> You have a box hosting two sites, put one on one NIC and one on
> the other, wouldn't that make it easier to sort out who/what is
> doing traffic to where? Yeah, I know, aliases.
> o Redundancy
> I had a kernel panic tied to the NIC card driver once upon a
> time. If I would have had another NIC with different driver I
> coulda saved the trip to reboot the box.
> o Performance testing
> On the grounds that transferring from one NIC to another in the
> same box might be halfway useful, or throwing a LAN analyzer in
> there might help debug stuff.
> Then again, I am not a coder or hacker or major network guy, so
> I defer to the judgement of the senior gurus.
Best wishes from Riley.
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