2.3.43 was ununsable, then I immediately tried 2.3.44 when it came out: I
started getting those mysterious "Warning: kfree_skb on hard IRQ
c802cf1c" errors (the hex number can vary slightly). After running it for
a whole day and a couple of hours, it mysteriously rebooted without
warning -- *POOF* and I'm watching my memory counting..
BTW, can someone explain me what are those new "kfree_skb on hard
IRQ" messages? I traced this message on the network code, and I could be
relating that to the recent DDoS warnings, but I may be wrong, please
enlighten me on that.
I know XFree86 3.3.5 crashed by itself, after closing down Netscape at one
time (4 hours before the magical reboot), then my RH6.1 went it a strange
behavior - it would try to reload gdm, then exit, then reload gdm, then
exit.. a dozen of times. It's bad for the health of my monitor to always
change between graphical and text mode :)
Strangely, this magical reboot happened just after I clicked that
"Quit" button in Netscape. Oh well, I guess Netscape is using a few of
system calls from the dark side.
I'm running 2.3.45 now, it seems a bit more stable.
My guess is that we'll go until 2.3.50 or .55 before getting 2.4.0preX
kernels. If my memory is good.. last november was the target to release
- JL
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