Alan Cox writes:
> > A friend of mine is getting DSL out here in colorado. His "DSL Adapter" is
> > an internal Intel Pro/DSL 2100. Do we know if this is supported under
> > linux? We're really hoping to set him up with a linux firewall, web
> It isnt supported under Linux. Someone has been talking with Intel about
> getting the needed documentation under NDA to then do a GPL driver. I don't
> know what state it is in.
> Currently the recommended procedure with DSL is to blink at the install
> guy wave a laptop at him and say 'where does that go'.
> In most parts of the world thats how you get external DSL->ethernet 8)
Ah, the old bat-the-eyelashes trick.
However, I actually *want* an internal DSL card, rather than the
external modem I've got now. It would allow me to reclaim one
(possibly two) IP addresses from the pool of 8 I was given. So if
someone knows what's happening in this area, please let me know.
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