In message <>, "Khimenko Victor" writes:
| No. You misunderstood conception again. Idea is simple: user DO NOT NEED TO D
| O
| ANYTHING before floppy removal. But when program tries to write on removed
| floppy (even if there are other floppy inserted and even used) kernel will se
| nd
| message to notification daemon with request to put old floppy back. Process i
| s
| stopped and all dirty buffers are kept in memory till floppy is changed back.
| When "right" floppy is inserted dirty buffers will be put on said floppy and
| process can continue. Without such protection ANY supermount implementations
| are just invitations to disaster. And THAT will require lots of changes in VF
| S.
Does it really? Solaris just uses special devices which are managed by
vold. You open /floppy/floppy_id/whatever or /vol/dev/whatever, reads and
writes are associated with the special devices (not the physical device),
and when vold needs to access the physical device it notes what media is
currently in it and if necessary requests a media swap. vold then accesses
the physical device on behalf of the virtual device.
This is essentially the block-device version of ptys and screen.
-- brandon s. allbery os/2,linux,solaris,perl system administrator kthkrb,heimdal,gnome,rt carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering kf8nh We are Linux. Resistance is an indication that you missed the point.- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at
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