> Oh, that is gdoc syntax? I looked for gdoc on GNOME CVS and found a perl
> script and patch to c2man. From the c2man documentation I got the
> impression that it had a different view to the document generation than
There is a full gdoc toolset on gtk.org - its actually not a gnome thing
as such it came from elsewhere (Im told gdoc is a javadoc variant ?)
> But enough of this. I'd like to know if there is a more general consensus
> about the kernel needing an automatic documentation system. Or is this old
> news and there's already such an effort going on?
I've been documenting my drivers right now to see how it works out. I'd love
to get gdoc (or some variant for kernels 8)) outputting a full function
spec for everything that is exported or inline and meant to be used by drivers
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