On Thu, Feb 17, 2000 at 02:16:19PM -0500, Brian Ristuccia wrote:
> How do I go about having more than 8 SCSI disks? I made the /dev/sdhX,
> /dev/sdiX, etc. files, but I'm not sure what else needs to be changed.
> In particular, I'm tempted to change N_SD_MAJORS in sd.h, but I have a
> feeling that's for the major number (which also happens to be 8) rather than
> the maximum number of disks allowed.
Up to 128 SCSI disks you don't have to change anything, just make the
devices according to Documentation/devices.tex, unless you want to have the
SCSI driver in module, in which case you should check drivers/scsi/hosts.h
and edit SD_EXTRA_DEVS define if needed.
Jakub Jelinek | jakub@redhat.com | http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/~jj
Linux version 2.3.46 on a sparc64 machine (1343.49 BogoMips)
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