On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
> Hello Richard, I have to agree with Sergey on the point
> of liking the old names over the new . But I guess I can
> get devfsd to create them for me can't I ? Tia, JimL
Yes, you can. But they won't appear until devfsd is fired up. So you can't
mount the root fs with old name until the devfsd which happen to be on the
fs which you wanna mount is running... One can squeeze statically linked
devfsd into initrd, but with modular filesystems, lvm etc. it'll be rather
big one...
Richard, is it possible and can be agreed upon with Linus to make a choice
of new names vs old ones a kernel boot option? I'd be helluva pleased to have
such an option. Isn't is ugly to have such a horror?
=== Cut ===
[root@nomad /root]# df
Filesystem 1k-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
16973507 13840592 2248940 86% /
8583124 6214693 1923351 76%
=== Cut ===
/dev/discs names are of no help 'coz they are not persistent between
hardware changes (btw, why discs? all drivers call the thing disk...),
compatibility entries are evil by definition and do require the external
user-space helper to appear...
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Sergey Kubushin wrote:
> > On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Richard Gooch wrote:
> ...snip...
> > >
> > > Having "partX" in the partition table scan may make it too long. The
> > > reason the devfs names are not "pX" is because Linus wanted a longer
> > > name. I'd be quite happy to shorten them.
> >
> > Just my $.25 - I liked the old devfs names (that of /dev/sda/c0b0t0u0p1)
> > much more than /dev/scsi/host0/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 ...
> +----------------------------------------------------------------+
> | James W. Laferriere | System Techniques | Give me VMS |
> | Network Engineer | 25416 22nd So | Give me Linux |
> | babydr@baby-dragons.com | DesMoines WA 98198 | only on AXP |
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