Sergey Kubushin writes:
> On Mon, 21 Feb 2000, Richard Gooch wrote:
> > Sergey Kubushin writes:
> > > On Sun, 20 Feb 2000, Mr. James W. Laferriere wrote:
> > >
> > > >
> > > > Hello Richard, I have to agree with Sergey on the point
> > > > of liking the old names over the new . But I guess I can
> > > > get devfsd to create them for me can't I ? Tia, JimL
> > >
> > > Yes, you can. But they won't appear until devfsd is fired up. So you
> > > can't mount the root fs with old name until the devfsd which happen
> > > to be on the fs which you wanna mount is running... One can squeeze
> > > statically linked devfsd into initrd, but with modular filesystems,
> > > lvm etc. it'll be rather big one...
> >
> > Not quite true. Try booting with "root=/dev/sd/c0b0t0u0p1" and see
> > what happens. Hint: it will work. You don't need devfsd in initrd for
> > this.
> Yeah, but you DO need it to have the same in your fstab...
No. By the time you remount root rw, you should already have started
> > > Richard, is it possible and can be agreed upon with Linus to make a
> > > choice of new names vs old ones a kernel boot option? I'd be helluva
> > > pleased to have such an option. Isn't is ugly to have such a horror?
> >
> > Yes, it's out of the question. Even if Linus would agree, I
> > wouldn't. And Linus won't agree ;-) Maintaining several namespaces
> > would be a nightmare.
> >
> > All that can be done is minor cleanups of the namespace as now
> > implemented.
> It's not that important to me how are the things called exactly. All
> my posts on the subject are kinda speculations and I'm with both old
> and new namespaces since long ago :)) The principal concern is the
> stability - it'd be helluva bad if the things are changed for a
> third time... I did change a lotta apps to stick with new namespace
> (no compatibility entries, ANY of them is evil) and it'd be not all
> that good to restart the process...
OK, then don't whinge ;-)
> BTW, why /dev/disCs, not /dev/disKs ? :))
English spelling. Seagate spelling. Phillips (compact disC) spelling.
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