Den 22-Feb-00 19:56:33 skrev Robert A. Morris fĝlgende om "Re: UDMA Problem on VIA chipset - K7M motherboard":
> Agreed, the man page does say that. But it seemed to work fine with my
> old mainboard (Tyan S1590S/VIA MVP3), and the UDMA HOWTO indicates that it
> should work fine with any newer VIA chipset. Additionally after further
> testing all it seems to need is -d 1 all by itself to cause some superblock
> corruption (maybe the drives are already in an UDMA mode after booting?).
It better be, because -X only sets the transfer mode on the device, not
on the adapter. On PCs the BIOS should set up the adapter and devices
correctly. At least one ABit motherboard BIOS (Award, IIRC) version has
failed to do so, setting the devices to UDMA 4 when the motherboard adapter
only supported UDMA 2, so try a BIOS update.
> I do have the correct 80-conductor cable, counted the wires to make sure,
And besides, there is a CRC checksum to trap data corruption across the
> and the drives definitely do support up to UDMA mode 4.
But what about the adapter? With UDMA modes, you will not get away with
programming the device to a faster mode than the adapter supports. FIFO
overruns is the first failure possibility that comes to my mind.
> Is there any way to get this to work? There's a drastic speed improvement
> with -X 66 (hdparm -t goes from not quite 5 mb/sec to just over 21 mb/sec)
> and I'd love to get it to work. Thanks!
Note that -X 66 means UDMA mode 2, not UDMA mode 4! Read the docs
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