I found the problem with this to be the eepro100 driver in 2.2.12-20 and
2.2.14. Thanks to Dave Higgens at VALinux for pointing me to potential
problems with the eepro100 driver. I downloaded Andrey V. Savochkin's
driver, installed it and all my problems miraculously went away.
Interestingly, I was sent off-track by the fact that when the eepro100
misbehaved the 3c575_cb driver responded in kind....
Anyway, the 2.2.15pre10 release has the Savochkin updated eepro100
driver, so if someone else is having any funny (not!) behavior and tells
you that they are running any pre-2.2.15 eepro100 driver you can send
them that direction first!
Thanks for the ear,
> locations performance went straight into the crapper. I put a sniffer on the conversation and saw
> that there was a huge amount of broadcast/ARP and retransmission traffic being generated - it
> appeared that the IP addresses of the hosts were changing about every 200 packets. I then moved the
> hosts back to a shared segment and stuck a sniffer there - sure enough there was a multitude of
> different IP addresses for the same MAC address. I thought that it must be the NICs or drivers so I
> tried a different PC as a client with different NIC and driver (switched the desktop PC for a
> laptop) and still had the same results.
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