kuznet@ms2.inr.ac.ru wrote:
> Hello!
> > Currently the size of the hh_data (in hh_cache structure) defined 16
> > bytes long, but what if I want to cache bigger header? How can I do
> > that?
> To live without it.
I am seriously considering such possibility ;)
> > hh_data without changes in other parts of the kernel. But perhaps I've
> > missed something and there is better solution?
> Well, until now the devices which really wanted hh cache had
> either 14 or 16 byte header. If you have a fast device,
> implementing hh_cache, it can be extended.
What I actually want to do is caching of 802.3ac headers (with vlan tag,
priority and CFI). The length of this header is 18 bytes. So it is not
some specific fast device, it can be any ethernet device.
> Alexey
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