I change the page_fault handler of a vma, and in the
new page_fault handler code i want to call a user function who the
faulting vma belongs to.
>From: Marc SCHAEFER <schaefer@alphanet.ch>
>To: Aydin Okutanoglu <aydin@lcsl.metu.edu.tr>
>Subject: Re: Calling user functions from kernel
>Newsgroups: alphanet.ml.linux.kernel
>Organization: ALPHANET NF -- Not for profit telecom research
>X-Newsreader: TIN [UNIX 1.3 unoff BETA 970705; i586 Linux 2.0.38]
>In article <200003011328.PAA29259@biber.lcsl.metu.edu.tr> you wrote:
>> Can kernel call a user function of current task? If yes, how?
>What do you mean by this ?
>What do you mean by current task ? Has the task called your driver (e.g.
>through ioctl(), read(), write()), or is your driver running out of
>interrupts (in that case, current might not be the right one).
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