ADAM Sulmicki wrote:
> > > Is there some sane (and easy) way to stop this crazed thing from
> > > killing my programs? if I need to kill something I can do this
> >
> > Which kernel version?
> more to the point, it happened twice.
> once when I was running 2.3.41 smp
> it was mozilla's (m13?) fault that it ate whole ram,
> it killed X only.
> the other time it happened was today
> it was kernel 2.3.47 smp
> it was netscape when I as testing s "stress" page
> (
> it killed sendmail,emacs and klogd few times..
> the box has 128mb ram and 128mb swap.
> any idea what's going on?
While compiling 2.3.48 i made a typo, I wrote make -j modules instead of
make-j4 modules, I hit intro and later when I came back I could saw that
X was frozen after a few seconds of the start of the compile, load of
3.3 instead of two or three dozillions, but my hd was scratching like a
mad, and after about 45 mins, the box froze and stop reponding to pings,
BTW I tried to telnet into, but no luck, I think the box was too busy.
These are the last messages in /var/log/messages and the box has two
200mmx, 96mb of ram and 198 of swap.
kernel: VM: killing process as
kernel: VM: killing process cpp
kernel: VM: killing process gcc
kernel: VM: killing process gcc
kernel: VM: killing process cc1
kernel: VM: killing process cpp
kernel: VM: killing process cpp
kernel: VM: killing process make
kernel: VM: killing process cpp
kernel: VM: killing process cpp
kernel: VM: killing process make
kernel: VM: killing process gcc
kernel: VM: killing process as
kernel: VM: killing process cpp
last message repeated 2 times
kernel: ip_conntrack: Wow someone raced us!
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