I think its more to do with the death of a/b/c
networks moving to variable length subnet masks
that aren't quite right
"Richard B. Johnson" <root@chaos.analogic.com> wrote in message
> On Wed, 1 Mar 2000, Towers, Tim (London) wrote:
> > I too have had to disable rwhod because under
> > some circumstances the broadcast probes would
> > keep my dial-up line redialling.
> >
> Strange that something that has worked since 1970++ suddenly can't
> be used anymore once M$ took over networking. Let's see, where is
> that SYN-flood code? );
> Cheers,
> Dick Johnson
> Penguin : Linux version 2.3.41 on an i686 machine (800.63 BogoMips).
> -
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