In <> Burton Windle ( wrote:
> REDMOND, Wash., Feb. 28, 2000 -- Three years ago, Bill Bolosky and two
> Microsoft colleagues were brainstorming technology advances when an idea
> occurred to them -- why not save operating system disk space by storing
> duplicate files as links that point to a single file housed in a central
> location?
> Not only would this save storage space, they reasoned;
> it would also result in substantial performance improvements. Moreover, it
> would make it faster for information technology (IT) managers
> to install computers for new employees since theyd no longer be
> required to copy massive amounts of data each time they set up a
> new desktop.
Something REALLY weird goes on here :-(( "Duplicate files as links that point
to a single file housed in a central location" looks like HARDlinks to me.
And Windows NT supports them just fine ...
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