I noticed that udelay() on i386 was changed to use TSC (in Alan's 2.2.15pre).
Why not use the cycle counter on alphas?
- no need to worry about slotting and other black magic on a future alphas
- higher bogomips ;-)
--- 2.3.49-2/include/asm-alpha/delay.h Thu Mar 2 14:40:44 2000
+++ linux/include/asm-alpha/delay.h Thu Mar 2 15:26:44 2000
@@ -16,12 +16,15 @@
extern __inline__ void
__delay(unsigned long loops)
+ unsigned int tmp, cc;
__asm__ __volatile__(
- ".align 4\n"
- "1: subq %0,1,%0\n"
- " bge %0,1b\n"
- " nop"
- : "=r" (loops) : "0"(loops));
+ " rpcc %1\n"
+ "1: rpcc %0\n"
+ " subl %0,%1,%0\n"
+ " zapnot %0,15,%0\n"
+ " cmpult %0,%2,%0\n"
+ " bne %0,1b"
+ : "=&r" (tmp), "=&r" (cc) : "r"(loops));
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