Albert D. Cahalan wrote:
> This is totally user-hostile, so it won't be used very much.
> The X server and window manager must be trusted software.
> This is what Trusted Solaris claims to do. Windows get marked
> with security data. Cut-and-paste is controlled.
--- I'm curious here. I'm rather new to trust, so bear with me. Lets say I am rated 'secret' -- anything I produce is tagged as such. Also, as secret, I can only access programs and data of integrity=basic (we don't want me willy-nilly running any old program sitting around)The first question is how would I start a window at say rating 'unclassified' (assuming I have another signon or my signon has multiple sensitivity ratings)?
Second question. I'm in a xterm type window in a shell. I now type 'su' and 'su' to a user with a lower classification. The Window is still owned by me, but in the window I'm running a lesser classified user. Couldn't I cut and paste from the same window into itself? Suppose I exit the lower classification (which produces information of integrity=low). Now can't I cut/paste in the same window and upgrade the integrity without checking if I have such authorization?
Would being able to execute 'login' from the shell be any different?
The same could happen in reverse with a low classified user su'ing or logging into a higher classified user, cat'ing out a file, then returning to the lower classification to do the paste, thus lowering data classification without authorization?
Another scenario -- I've su'ed to the lower sec user. My background process I started earlier spits out 'secret' output. Will it be interspersed with my unclassified output?
If my declassified user launches another Xapp, say a word processor. Wouldn't it be possible for confusion to occur about which windows are at what level and I might end up typing secret into unclassified -- or is that just a case of 'user beware'?
Theoretically login and su don't know about Xwindows. Even if they could somehow alter the current window's properties, I might have my DISPLAY variable set to another host -- might it prove difficult to find the right window to alter?
These are all probably trivially solved by some implementations, but I'm just curious to how all this is handled smoothly?
-linda (who wonders at the complexity of all these interactions)
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