Please correct me if I am wrong :)
Looking at some of the source, I see there are a few ways to get access to
HIGH memory in the Linux kernel.
1) We can steal an entry in some page directory and install a temporary
2) The APIC code uses fix_to_virt
Should there be a consistent API to do these kind of things? For example,
we will need to read high memory for MPS tables, ACPI tables too (not just
IOAPIC registers)... maybe if we had a consistent API for all of this, it
would make it cleaner... or is this already there? Is this what kmap (or
io_remap) is supposed to do?
Best Wishes,
Systems Programmer, Compaq Corporation
(Not Speaking for Compaq)
>From: "Stephen C. Tweedie" <sct@redhat.com>
>To: "Lyle Coder" <x_coder@hotmail.com>
>CC: linux-kernel@vger.rutgers.edu, Stephen Tweedie <sct@redhat.com>
>Subject: Re: HIGH MEMORY access
>Date: Thu, 2 Mar 2000 13:08:35 +0000 (GMT)
>On Wed, 01 Mar 2000 17:45:11 PST, "Lyle Coder" <x_coder@hotmail.com>
> > How would the kernel get access to high memory? Say above 16MB?
>It depends. Are you talking about physical memory or memory-mapped
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