1. Since .46 or so, the volume settings for the es1371 driver seem to have
an off-by-one error (and sometimes off-by-two). For example:
# mixer vol 70
Setting the mixer vol to 70:70.
# mixer vol
The mixer vol is currently set to 72:72.
# mixer vol 66
Setting the mixer vol to 66:66.
# mixer vol
The mixer vol is currently set to 67:67.
Worse, when the GNOME panel mixer is active, it seems to create a positive
feedback loop. Presumably, it reads the volume level, then sets the volume
level back to that value. End result is that the volume ends up pegged at
100. Moving it back down to a more reasonable level will only result in it
creeping back up to 100 in short order.
2. I don't know if this is a kernel problem, a LILO problem, or what,
but setting the vga mode by manually typing it in from the LILO command
line works, but trying to set it using an append command in lilo.conf, or
using the knl command doesn't.
That is, if I type in
linux vga=780
at the lilo prompt, then, indeed, the kernel starts up in the indicated
But, if I try to put
in my lilo.conf file, or try to set the video mode with the knl command,
then the kernel just boots up in the default 80x25 video mode.
This has been the case in every 2.3 kernel I've tried it on.
3. Any particular reason that the parallel port option has moved into
the main menu of menuconfig? I'm assuming that this was a goof-up on
somebody's part, and will be fixed in .50, but just to make sure. :)
-- -Sean Connor (sec@konatsu.dhs.org) (sec@cableregina.com) (sec@softhome.net)The fact that an opinion has been widely held is no evidence that it is not utterly absurd; indeed, in view of the silliness of the majority of mankind, a widespread belief is more often likely to be foolish than sensible. -- Bertrand Russell
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