Hi Trond.
>> I have an NFS server running 2.2.13 (smp) and a client
>> running 2.2.12-20smp. I am seeing error like this on the
>> client system:
>>> nfs: server khan2 not responding, still trying
>>> nfs: server khan2 OK
I see this regularly as well...
> What you're probably seeing is rather congestion of the
> existing socket. This can have one of 3 causes:
> Either:
> - Server is getting congested, and is replying too slowly
> to requests. In this case a 'tcpdump' will show large
> delays between the client sending out a request, and the
> server replying to it.
I haven't tried tcpdump on it yet, but will next time it happens.
However, as the problem usually occurs during NFS installs of
RedHat Linux on a customer's machine (temporarily taking my
network up to five machines), and there is NO other network
activity at that time, I would have to assume this is not the
case until proven otherwise...
> or
> - Actual network is congested, and you are running out of
> socket buffer space. You'll probably need to wait for
> linux-2.4 before a general fix is available (it has
> already been included in linux-2.3.x).
The network in question consists of four PC's on a 10baseT
network, one being a dedicated print server and another a
dedicated modem server and firewall, neither of which generate
much in the way of traffic. Those two are at opposite ends of the
net segment, with the total length being about 10 metres, so
there shouldn't be any length related problems either.
> or
> - The RPC congestion avoidance algorithm is messing up. Try
> fiddling with increasing the 'timeo', and 'retrans' NFS
> mount option values.
By a process of elimination, this has to be the most likely
Best wishes from Riley.
* Copyright (C) 1999, Memory Alpha Systems.
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