>> after entering my username and password the login process simply stalls
>> not sure how this could be kernel related but this problem also
>> disappears when using 2.3.34 again.
>Is portmap running? If not I also had a problem with that...
>If you start the rpc.portmap daemon before the login everything goes
>fine (if I remember login was continuously trying to contact the port
>111) it's maybe a glibc bug, but it shows only after 2.3.35.
Thanks, this solved the problem. After I activated portmap I could login
again without any delay.
BTW: does anybody know a place where I can get a portmap daemon that
compiles with glibc-2.1? It is the last program I did not update so far -
mainly because I thought I got rid of it at last ;-) Old things seem to
die hard.
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