> These are the VM changes that I propose for the official 2.2.15. They are
> against 2.2.15pre12.
They are just a diff from the original to yours backing out the other fixes
and adding yours that makes it impossible to review what the
current issues are. You back out the stuff that tends to avoid killing the
X server for example.
We also need to guarantee atomic memory pools are not being eaten away
from under network drivers and are replenished promptly. Since that trips
bugs in a couple of drivers if we don't it is really important we keep
that property.
So I think its 'differently broken'
Other than that I have no fundamental problems with the suggestion. The
trashing heuristic seems to work.
Can we get a combination of the trashing behaviour that victimises the right
process, keeping the atomic pool well (and promptly) fed and also not shooting
root/iopl processes unless we have no choice ?
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