On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Alan Cox wrote:
> > each sdla card. It's very huge economy. It's even bigger than that, 'coz
> > wanpipe does not compile any more and we can spare not only that 6 bytes,
> > but all the memory which wanpipe driver used to occupy :((
> You can add the fields back but the wanpipe drivers are right now such a
> mess in 2.3.x (and ugly as hell in 2.2.x) that Im beginning to feel we should
> throw them out of the 2.4.x kernel.
> I looked at making them work. They make assumptions that arent valid in 2.2
> and are totally invalid in 2.3.x. The softnetting of them is blind and I
> believe untested (certainly if it worked Im amazed)
I'd rather suggest to really throw it outta the kernel. Nobody seems to
maintain it so it can be considered dead. IMHO, it's better to lack such a
driver that have one that does not compile, less for work.
Not that I have such a card around, but it's aestetically dissapointing to
have something in the kernel which does not and probably will not compile
and work in foreseable future...
Sergey Kubushin aka the Tamer < > The impossible we do immediately.
e-mail: ksi@ksi-linux.com SK320-RIPE < > Miracles require 24-hour notice.
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