Thanks to James Manning and Andrzej Krzysztof for pointing my
I also cleaned up the two paragraphs so that they are easier to
* The Doctor What ( [000304 04:24]:
> Attached is a patch for 2.3.49 for the processor
> selection section. I doubt it's complete, but it's a start. At
> least the options are represented correctly.
> Just noticed it while compiling a new kernel.
> Ciao!
> --
> "Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say YES!"
> --Winston Zeddmore (Ghostbusters)
> The Doctor What: Need I say more?
> (finger for PGP key)
> --- linux.2.3.49/Documentation/ Sat Mar 4 01:58:49 2000
> +++ linux.docwhat/Documentation/ Sat Mar 4 02:08:29 2000
> @@ -2250,28 +2250,29 @@
> Processor family
> This is the processor type of your CPU. This information is used for
> - optimizing purposes. In order to compile a kernel that can run on
> - all x86 CPU types (albeit not optimally fast), you can specify
> - "386" here.
> + optimizing purposes. In order to compile a kernel that can run on all
> + x86 CPU types (albeit not optimally fast), you can specify "386" here.
> - If you specify one of "486" or "586" or "Pentium" or "PPro", then
> - the kernel will not necessarily run on earlier architectures (e.g. a
> - Pentium optimized kernel will run on a PPro, but not necessarily on
> - a i486).
> + If you specify anything other than 386, then the kernel the kernel
> + will not necessarily run on earlier architectures (e.g. a Pentium
> + optimized kernel will run on the newer PPro, but not necessarily on
> + the older i486).
> Here are the settings recommended for greatest speed:
> - "386" for the AMD/Cyrix/Intel 386DX/DXL/SL/SLC/SX, Cyrix/TI
> 486DLC/DLC2 and UMC 486SX-S. Only "386" kernels will run on a 386
> class machine.
> - - "486" for the AMD/Cyrix/IBM/Intel 486DX/DX2/DX4 or
> + - "486/Cx486" for the AMD/Cyrix/IBM/Intel 486DX/DX2/DX4 or
> SL/SLC/SLC2/SLC3/SX/SX2, AMD/Cyrix 5x86, NexGen Nx586 and
> UMC U5D or U5S.
> - - "586" for generic Pentium CPUs, possibly lacking the TSC
> + - "586/K5/5x86/6x86" for the Intel Pentium/Pentium MMX, AMD K5 and
> + generic 5x86 and 6x86.
> + - "Pentium/TSC" for generic Pentium CPUs, possibly lacking the TSC
> (time stamp counter) register.
> - - "Pentium" for the Intel Pentium/Pentium MMX, AMD K5, K6 and
> - K6-3D.
> - - "PPro" for the Cyrix/IBM/National Semiconductor 6x86MX, MII and
> - Intel Pentium II/Pentium Pro.
> + - "K6/II/III" for AMD K6, K6-3D, K6-II and K6-III
> + - "PPro/6x86MX" for the Cyrix/IBM/National Semiconductor 6x86MX, MII
> + and Intel Pentium II/Pentium Pro.
> + - "Athalon" for AMD Athalon.
> If you don't know what to do, choose "386".
-- God is real, unless declared integer. The Doctor What: A Holtje Production (finger for PGP key) KF6VNC
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