In <> Steve Rihards ( wrote:
>>They will probably cost
>>about as much as the income of a small third world nation when they >come
> Who the heck ever told you that? They are aimed to be priced much lower
> than sparcs.
Please, READ before hitting reply. Then think. Then think even more. Readthe
whole message again. And then do NOT hit reply :-)
You stripped VERY important part of message:
-- cut --
There are not any Merced IA64 boxes out at present except for
Intel partners, but will be soon (2Q 2000).
-- cut --
2Q, not 3Q or 4Q ! This is NOT about retail boxes but about "early access" boxes
for those who REALLY need them.
> Brian Pomerantz wrote:
>>On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 05:00:53PM -0800, diep doan wrote:
>> > Hi all,
>> >
>> > I've heard about 64-bit Linux, is there such a thing
>> > now? or just rumor? is its name Trillium? What is
>> > Trillium?
>> >
>>Linux is already 64bit if you run it on an Alpha or Ultra SPARC.
>>Though I've found that there are still many "issues" that need to be
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