On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Sergey Kubushin wrote:
> Unfortunately enough, vanilla 2.3.49 with some errors fixed (nothing
> substantial, just some drivers fixed to get them compile) does not boot here
> at all :(( "Uncompressing... OK. Now booting the kernel" and the machine is
> dead...
> Initrd strikes back? People, will it EVER be fixed? We did already make the
> setproctitle() fix (the right way IMHO with a coupla syscalls and supporting
> userspace function which can be forced into glibc or made a separate lib),
> but we're unable to test it :((
As far as I know, initrd _is_ fixed. Funny thing: B. D. Elliot and I
both posted workarounds for the problem, and you didn't even comment.
Now you blurt "People, will it EVER be fixed?". Color me unimpressed.
WRT (your) boot problem: If you're good enough to add syscalls to the
kernel, you're good enough to sprinkle printk's around and at least try
to see where it hangs. Posting diagnostic info might lead to resolution
of your problem whereas posting sarcastic comments certainly will not.
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