On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, Sergey Kubushin wrote:
> On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, Mike Galbraith wrote:
> > On Sat, 4 Mar 2000, Sergey Kubushin wrote:
> >
> > > Unfortunately enough, vanilla 2.3.49 with some errors fixed (nothing
> > > substantial, just some drivers fixed to get them compile) does not boot here
> > > at all :(( "Uncompressing... OK. Now booting the kernel" and the machine is
> > > dead...
> > >
> > > Initrd strikes back? People, will it EVER be fixed? We did already make the
> > > setproctitle() fix (the right way IMHO with a coupla syscalls and supporting
> > > userspace function which can be forced into glibc or made a separate lib),
> > > but we're unable to test it :((
> >
> > As far as I know, initrd _is_ fixed. Funny thing: B. D. Elliot and I
> > both posted workarounds for the problem, and you didn't even comment.
> > Now you blurt "People, will it EVER be fixed?". Color me unimpressed.
> Look, I'm NOT a kernel hacker. I have helluva lot of another work and I can
> NOT spend all of my time struggling with omissions and miscellaneous typos
> in kernel sources which should have not been there if somebody did try to
> compile the kernel before releasing. I'm a distribution maker and I have
> much more urgent things to do. Yes, I do want to have some 2.3.xx which does
> boot and which I can use as a base for a distro's beta. And I'm ready to
> help in reaching this goal doing my best.
So you're busy. So is averyone else here.. that buys you nothing.
So you're a distributor with a vested interest in a functional beta
kernel.. and have no time/resources to contribute to having it all
delivered to you on your schedule. Now _that_ does buy you something.
You could _contribute_ by struggling with some of the small shit.
That can make the difference between guru doing serious as a heart
attack development work and guru fixing silly assed typos. But then
again, it usually _is_ 'someone else's job' if there's no money or
glory to be had.
> But it's not me, who is the kernel writer...
Neither am I. I'm a volunteer crash-test dummy.
> > WRT (your) boot problem: If you're good enough to add syscalls to the
> > kernel, you're good enough to sprinkle printk's around and at least try
> > to see where it hangs. Posting diagnostic info might lead to resolution
> > of your problem whereas posting sarcastic comments certainly will not.
> I'd like to. But unfortunately I do NOT have enough time to do exclusively
> kernel hacking and debugging. Yes, I can try some options, trace an oops
> etc., but I will NOT spend all of my time trying to solve misteries kinda
> "Why does the thing not boot at all?"... And I can't reboot my machine
> umpting times a day for nothing. Especially considering the fact that often
> encountered full fsck (we don't have journalling FS in kernel yet, do we?)
> on 36 Gbyte disks takes almost an hour...
Essentially, it sounds to me like you're too busy trying to make a buck
to do anything except crack the whip. That uses up your oxygen ticket
as far as I'm concerned.
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