Khimenko Victor wrote:
> JL> You can just not have an execve_mm at first, and still implement
> JL> argument construction using a second mm. That removes the limit, but
> JL> doesn't make the pages swappable during construction.
> Then it's trikier then my version and does not have any benefits :-)
Yup. :-)
> JL> I like the idea of removing the limit altogether because it's not
> JL> necessary, and large command lines are occasionally useful.
> No. You DO NOT want this. Even swap is limited resource. And with 8MiB of
> stack you can construct rougly 4TB (tera!) of arguments. Enough to overflow
> any sane swap :-)
Sure you can use lots of space, but it's no different to the user doing
ordinary memory allocations to use up lots of space. In fact you could
probably implement it in user space using ptrace, but let's not go there
Of course it should be accounted in the same way as an ordinary
memory usage too.
-- Jamie
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