On Friday, 3 March 2000, Paul Ashton wrote:
> Hi Andrei,
> It seems your keyboard patch didn't make it into the 2.3 kernel. Do
> you know why not? Do you have an ftp/web site for the latest copy
> of it?
Well, though Linus used to reply my email concerning this Toshiba kbd
patch, after I sent to him the latest version he ceased to reply.
Since this was in December, I think, and Transmeta was about to
release it's processor in January, probably he was very busy. I tried
to send it a couple of times more, didn't got any answers, probably he
is busy, or this patch is not of such a great interest. Or, maybe my
new (strange) email setup generates messages that are filtered out by
whatever filters he has installed. Anyway, no problem, I didn't
push it because it's a specific hardware problem and it would be
better to just forget about it than to make it a patch into the
However, for those interested, here is the message that I tried a few
times to get through to Linus. If you cannot get it to work, please
send me the drivers/char/pc_keyb.c file you are using and I'll send
you the patched file back. I have a patch for 2.3.x, but I am sure x
is too small to be of any use...
Hi Linus,
Sorry to bother you, just wondering if my kbd patch is going to find
its way into the kernel or not. I hope you received the latest
version (though I suspect a problem somewhere, it was CCed on
linux-kernel, nobody answered - I am not a subscriber, therefore there
might have been replies to the list only, but...).
I can tell you that this patch helps a lot: not only it removes
glitches, but it also evens the kbd repeat delay, which is in the
range 160-250 on my laptop and it seems that on other kbds as well.
It can be thought off as a pre-handler, maybe taking care of other
problems (if any) in the future.
I have included it in this message, for your convenience, not as a
patch, because I am really not fully aware of how to find the latest
source tree (CVS, perhaps?) and I saw that he latest 2.3. version has
some rearrangements in that area of pc_keyb.c.
The fix consist of a function: 'handle_delay', which should be called
like this:
instead of (replacing) the call to handle_scancode in pc_keyb.c,
wherever this may be in the current version:
handle_scancode(scancode, !(scancode & 0x80));
* Made for a Toshiba Satellite 2595XDVD, useful for
* other Toshiba laptops and not only, apparently. Under some
* circumstances, these keyboards behave like ignoring the
* kbd repeat _delay_. This happens in conjunction with shift
* keys (ctrl, alt, shift) and leads to undesirable repeat
* of a key even if pressed briefly. Fixed it by ignoring any
* subsequent occurrence of the second identical make code within
* the kbd delay, which is dynamically computed. Takes into account
* keys with 0xE0. It adapts to the kbd delay, computing it from
* normal kbd repeats, which are defined to be those of no less
* than MIN_KBD_DELAY (100ms).
* Andrei Pitis <pink@simple.ro> Dec 1999
/* Minimum KBD delay is considered to be 100 ms. */
#define MIN_KBD_DELAY (HZ / 10)
/* E0_PREFIX_BIT is to be ORed into every scancode that was preceeded
by an 0xE0 prefix. It is to be temporarily storeed into prev_scancode
shifted left by E0_STORE_SHL. */
#define E0_PREFIX_BIT 0x100
#define E0_STORE_SHL 16
/* PULSE_BIT is ORed into the prev_scancode in the beginning of each
repeat sequence. Used to detect the "delay" - i.e. the time between
the first and the second consecutive identical make codes. */
#define PULSE_BIT 0x200
#define KEYUP_BIT 0x80
static void handle_delay(unsigned int scancode)
/* State variables. */
static unsigned int prev_scancode = 0;
static unsigned long stop_jiffies = 0;
/* Some reasonable start values for the mean delay. */
static unsigned int kbd_delay_sum = MIN_KBD_DELAY;
static unsigned int kbd_n_repeats = 1;
unsigned int different_bits = 0;
/* Just remember that we've got the E0 prefix, will take care
of it next time. Use the high word of prev_scancode. */
if (scancode == 0xE0)
prev_scancode |= (E0_PREFIX_BIT << E0_STORE_SHL);
/* Mark the E0 prefix as a bit in scancode. */
scancode |= (prev_scancode >> E0_STORE_SHL) & E0_PREFIX_BIT;
prev_scancode &= ~(E0_PREFIX_BIT << E0_STORE_SHL);
/* Compute different_bits of scancode and prev_scancode,
including the E0_PREFIX_BIT. */
different_bits = ((scancode ^ prev_scancode) &
/* True if the scancodes are different. */
if (different_bits)
/* Any make code triggers the delay and updates prev_scancode. */
if (!(scancode & KEYUP_BIT))
stop_jiffies = jiffies;
prev_scancode = scancode | PULSE_BIT;
/* True if this is the break code of the prev_scancode, i.e. if
only the KEYUP_BIT is different. Reset the delay. */
else if (different_bits == KEYUP_BIT)
stop_jiffies = prev_scancode = 0;
else /* Same make code. */
int delta_jiffies = jiffies - stop_jiffies;
/* True only for the second scancode in a row, i.e. the
first repetition of a scancode. */
if (prev_scancode & PULSE_BIT)
/* Reset the bit. */
prev_scancode &= ~PULSE_BIT;
/* Dynamically update the kbd repeat delay. */
if (delta_jiffies >= MIN_KBD_DELAY)
/* Reset it from time to time, to keep it dynamic,
in case the hard kbd repeat rate is changed. */
if (kbd_n_repeats > 400)
kbd_delay_sum = kbd_n_repeats = 0;
kbd_delay_sum += delta_jiffies;
"KBD glitch (delay %d ms) at %d ms: [%03X]\n",
((kbd_delay_sum / kbd_n_repeats) * 1000) / HZ,
(delta_jiffies * 1000) / HZ, scancode);
/* Reject scancode if within mean delay. Apply a correction of
-1 since kbd interrups are asynchronous wrt timer interrupts. */
if (delta_jiffies < kbd_delay_sum / kbd_n_repeats - 1)
/* Handle the scancode, do not forget the E0 prefix. */
if (scancode & E0_PREFIX_BIT) handle_scancode(0xE0, 0);
handle_scancode(scancode & SCANCODE_MASK, !(scancode & KEYUP_BIT));
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