On Mon, 6 Mar 2000, James Manning wrote:
>[ Monday, March 6, 2000 ] Mike A. Harris wrote:
>> On Sun, 5 Mar 2000, James Manning wrote:
>> >If the case isn't this clear-cut, though, I think killing by pid
>> >(highest->lowest) may be a decent hueristic since the most important
>> >processes (init, loggers, etc) tend to be long-running ones started
>> >early so they maintain pid's < 100.
>> Maybe 15 years ago. I'm running RedHat 6.1, and after the system
>> starts up most persistant daemons have PID's in the 300-1000
>> range. I would suspect it would be similar for other dists as
>> well.
>my point being that since they started up before other things their
>pid's will be lower. Yes pid's can wrap, but that's why it's called
>a heuristic. Did you actually have anything useful to say?
Sorry.. didn't mean to offend anyone.. I'm not refering to PID
wrap here, I'm refering to a freshly booted system in which once
everything is up and running, the lowest PID of a running service
is 300 to 600 or more. Nothing under 100 except kernel threads.
3 root@asdf:/stuff# ps ax
1 ? S 0:05 init
2 ? SW 3:44 [kflushd]
3 ? SW 0:17 [kupdate]
4 ? SW 0:16 [kpiod]
5 ? SW 1:06 [kswapd]
356 ? S 0:06 syslogd -m 0
367 ? SW 0:00 [klogd]
383 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/atd
399 ? S 0:00 crond
415 ? SW 0:00 [inetd]
424 ? S 0:00 /usr/sbin/sshd
Assuming or generalizing things will be at certain PID's or below
certain PID's is very bad because it is 99% unpredicatable. That
is the important thing that I had to say - put into more verbose
terms for those that couldn't derive it..
Again, sorry if I was a bit brief about it...
take care,
-- Mike A. Harris Linux advocate Computer Consultant GNU advocate Capslock Consulting Open Source advocateSuspicious Anagram #4: Word: PRESIDENT CLINTON OF THE USA Anagram: TO COPULATE HE FINDS INTERNS
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