"David L. Parsley (lkml account)" wrote:
> Hi,
> We bought a Dell Poweredge 1300 w/ dual PIII-500 & 256M ram, and have had
> problems with 'sudden death' - it reboots immediately and reports an error
> along the lines of 'Memory error or NMI'. I don't see anything in
> /var/log/messages thats helpful. I tried the stock RH61 smp kernel, then
> 2.3.38ish, and finally 2.2.15pre13.
> I booted 2.2.15pre13smp on Saturday, and then floodpinged the machine (we
> think it's interrupt related), and it stayed steady untill today when a
> student went to make a tarball of /home. (the aic7xxx equivalent of a
> floodping?) Took the sucker right down.
> Instead of attaching 4 random files/logs/outputs, if anyone is interested
> in this problem I'd be happy to test whatever you like and send whatever
> outputs to whatever commands. The only interesting features of this
> machine: using Intel Etherexpress pro100b (included from Dell) and Dell's
> onboard aic7xxx w/ 2 harddrives, this machine is nfs server for /home.
The aic7xxx driver is pretty heavily tested in regards to it's SMP locking, I
doubt that's your problem. I suspect you actually have bad hardware and that
memory errors under certain types of load are taking your system down. Check
out my web page, I have the script I use to test memory in a machine on it.
--Doug Ledford <dledford@redhat.com> http://people.redhat.com/dledford Please check my web site for aic7xxx updates/answers before e-mailing me about problems
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