Aman Singla wrote:
> > That turns out not to be the case. It was exactly this granularity
> > problem which killed the only machine I'm aware of which did DSM in
> > hardware (the Kendall Square boxes --- and how many people here have
> > heard of that one? :)
> The KSR boxes aren't the only h/w DSM systems - NUMA boxes today
> (Origin for one) also do DSM. Both add that additional level of
> locality that a performance conscious application needs to exploit;
> agreed that KSR was the only one to have caching at the remote
> memory to local memory level (with a page size granularity).
> A DSM system could look very much like the current NUMA h/w with
> an added remote-local memory caching happening at application specific
> granularity. The main issue there is getting access control at
> the desired granularity for the s/w DSM layer - which in a way
> the current OS dictates to be a page size; and yeah! unfortunately
> there are many smart solutions around that one that I'm aware of :-)
OOps! meant to say there aren't ....
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