Anybody knows Linux64 bit for Intel arhitecture has
UDI (Uniform Driver Interface) supported? Trillium has
UDI supported? what version of Linux?
Thanks a lot.
--- Matti Aarnio <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 03, 2000 at 05:00:53PM -0800, diep doan
> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I've heard about 64-bit Linux, is there such a
> thing
> > now? or just rumor? is its name Trillium? What is
> Trillium?
> "Trillium" is just one of lattest efforts among
> others to bring
> one more architecture into Linux.
> It has been widely touted only because the target
> processor is
> made by intel, and so far unavailable.
> Linux began as i386 operating system in 1991.
> Linux 1.0 had only "i386" in 1994.
> At Linux 1.2.* series (1995) mainline kernel
> already supported:
> - i386 (32 bits)
> - Alpha (64 bits)
> - SPARC (32 bits)
> - MIPS (32 bits)
> Now Linux 2.2 already supports:
> - i386 (32 bits)
> - Alpha (64 bits)
> - SPARC (32 and 64 bits versions)
> - MIPS (32 bits)
> - PowerPC (32 bits)
> - ARM (32 bits)
> - M68K (32 bits)
> Linux 2.3 (development series) carries already
> additionally:
> - SH (a.k.a Hitachi H8) (32 bits)
> - IA64 (64 bits)
> In the works (but not in mainline source) I have
> heard also of:
> - MIPS-64
> - PowerPC-64
> - HP-PA (
> > Thanks
> > -shannon-
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