First of all sorry for bothering you with this stuff, but I didn't
find any other place where this could possibly fit ...
I'm currently working on a kernel module consisting of two source
modules. Hereby one of the source modules (let's call it ipcodes.c)
exports a global variable (const char * ipcode[]), which is used in the
other module (let's call it main.c).
I'm currently having trouble defining the global variable (ipcode) in
a way, that it is visible to the other source module (main.c) but not
to the rest of the kernel?
Anybody got a hint how to achieve this behavior? - Or is it in general
impossible to prevent that variables/functions that are exported
(i.e., not declared as static) by (a source module of) a kernel module
are visible to the rest of the kernel?
Thanks in advance,
-- Thomas M. Galla fax:+43 (1) 5869149 Real-Time Systems Group voice:+43 (1) 58801-18215 Vienna University of Technology mailto:tom@vmars.tuwien.ac.at A-1040 Wien, Treitlstr. 3/3/182-1 http://www.vmars.tuwien.ac.at/~tom ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prediction is very difficult, especially of the future. [Niels Bohr]
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