On Tue, Mar 07, 2000 at 03:52:34PM +0000, jmcmullan@linuxcare.com wrote:
> Having seen the big /proc vs /devfs cleanup shenangins, I've got a
> silly idea - why not name this new kernel Linux 3.0?
No, high version numbers are for other OSes (lin2k ?) ;)
> I mean, with
> /devfs, there's a whole lot of change going on, we've got
> (one.... MORE... TIME!!!) a new IP filtering system, the USB stuff,
> new resource management, SoftNet, the new Block I/O substructure, etc.
> With a major number change, we can blow away the current /proc
> structure, and replace it with something that works...
> Just off the top of my head, I'd like to see this major stucture
> (names can be changed if needed, it's the structure that counts)
> If this sounds like a good idea, and people would like it, I'll
> start working on a patch. If not, there's always 2.5.x...
> /proc/self Pointer to self process
> /proc/process/{0,1,34,55,3232,etc.}/* Pre-process data
Should both be directly in /proc, casue /proc is designed for this ...
> /proc/hardware Hardware related status (busses, drivers, etc)
> /proc/hardware/bus/{isa,pci,scsi,etc.} Busses
> /proc/hardware/bus/pci/0/status Textual status
> /proc/hardware/bus/pci/0/sys/* Bus single-value ctrl
> /proc/hardware/driver/{ne,aic7xxx,etc.} Drivers
> /proc/hardware/driver/ne/1/status Textual status
> /proc/hardware/driver/ne/1/sys/* Driver single-value ctrl
> /proc/hardware/status/{irq,dma,ioports,etc.} Stats
Mybe a better location would be /kern/bus/, /kern/driver/, /kern/status/
> /proc/kernel/ Linux kernel related items
> /proc/kernel/vm/{kmalloc,slab,etc.}/{status,sys} Virtual memory
> /proc/kernel/net/{ipv4,ipx,etc.}/{status,sys} Network
> /proc/kernel/tty/{ppp,tty,etc.}/{status,sys} TTY line disciplines
> /proc/kernel/fs/{nfs,ext2,etc.}/{status,sys} Filesystems
> etc..
A think this would belong to /kern/sys/
> And would use calls like:
> ....init_module...
> procpci=proc_hardware_bus_create("pci");
> proc_hardware_bus_add(procpci,PROC_SYSCTL,PROC_TYPE_INT,0,&pci_io_latency,
> "pci-io-latency","PCI io latency");
> proc_hardware_bus_add(procpci,PROC_SYSCTL,PROC_TYPE_INT,4,pci_irq_order,
> "pci-irq-order","PCI irq order");
> proc_hardware_bus_add(procpci,PROC_STATUS,PROC_TYPE_STRING,0,pci_chipset,
> "pci-chipset-name","PCI chipset name");
> proc_hardware_bus_add(procpci,PROC_STATUS,PROC_TYPE_HEX_INT,0,pci_chipset_id,
> "pci-chipset-id","PCI chipset id");
> ...
Good idea, but should be placed in /kern fs ...
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