IBM 7137 Disk Array

From: Pieckiel, Kevin A (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 12:01:47 EST

Surely someone out there has played with an IBM 7137 disk array. We have an
IBM expansion rack 900 with two 7137 disk arrays installed. They were used
at our district office and then given to us because they had no use for it.
It used to be connected to an RS/6000 running AIX that we did NOT receive.

Anyway, nobody here has ever played with one of these, and we want to
connect it to our fileserver. It's a Pentium running Linux, kernel 2.2.14,
and it has an Adaptec 29160 (this one has an external 68-pin LVD connector),
and I was planning on putting in an Adaptec 2940UW in it to run the disk
array since I don't see anywhere that the disk array is LVD (the 2940UW has
an external 68-pin NON-LVD connector).

Is anyone familiar with this hardware? Can this hardware be connected to
our PC fileserver and be used for additional storage? Any input that can be
given would be appreciated.

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