> > Ok. This discussion is serveral YEARS old. So do not hold you
> > breath. There were lots and lots of discussion about this and
> > fewdifferent patches are floating around for ages (in 2.2.15pre
> > some OOM patches was tried; perhaps 2.2.15 will include one of
> > them). But ALL patches are designed to help in case of run-away
> > process and NOT protect against malicious user.
> >
> > P.S. Of course if you'll be able to cook up patch and solve this
> > outstanding problem still not solved after few years of
> > exercises by Linux's memory wizards you are welcome. Just don't
> > think it's so easy :-(
> On the contrary, putting together a solution to this
> problem is easy. The problem has been that people don't
> understand the issues involved and start a flamewar as
> soon as a patch (re)surfaces.
> Also, making a solution that everybody agrees with seems
> to be impossible in this situation :)
Well why not to reserve memory for root usage only, as this is done with
space on the root file system ?
At least this will allow to login as root via SSH or console and kill
trouble problem.
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