On Mon, 13 Mar 2000 yodaiken@fsmlabs.com wrote:
>> do have an assert in schedule() so it's plain impossible. The lowlatency
>> patch simply works by increasing the effective frequency (occurance) of
>> rescheduling (preemption) points [without actually rescheduling more
>> often].
>This is too subtle for me. I don't know how you can make true
>the first 2 things without having the third be false.
I think Ingo meant "without rescheduling more often than what we expected
while looking the scheduler code".
The lowlatency patch simply adds the equivalent of:
if (current->need_resched)
in places that are used to run for a long time without rescheduling
in-between. This way the scheduler decisions gets effective immediatly
and not after the lots of time.
>> Having said this, i now do agree that doing a preemptible kernel (which
>> the Linux SMP kernel could become with a small amount of work) is a
>> superior solution to this, wrt. latencies.
Ingo, how do you plan to handle the by-hand locks? You can trivially
forbid rescheduling as soon as you have a spin_lock() held, but how do you
handle code that uses a spinlock to serialize the accesses to a lock?
Suppose this is the kernel code (it's silly code I know but it's just to
give you the idea of what we'll get wrong):
static int lock;
while (lock);
if (lock) {
goto again;
lock = 1;
do stuff
-------------------- rescheduled by preemptive kernel
lock = 0;
Another task grabs the lock while the task that is holding the lock is
been rescheduled, and so the other task hangs in while(lock); for
200msec!! This means very bad performance. So there may be very bad
performance side effects all over the place in making the kernel
preemptable. The whole section should be marked as non preemptable or the
first while(lock); should be replaced with while(lock) if
(current->need_resched) schedule(). With a non preemptable kernel the
schedule() wasn't necessary for good performance because the behaviour we
wanted was not to reschedule and we known if somebody was helding the
lock, that lock was going to be released very soon (faster than a
reschedule). And running the critical section without reschedule in
between is also the right thing to do for most fast locks to avoid
wasting CPU in poing pongs in the scheduler.
And since most of the stuff needs some kind of serialization it also mean
for most of syscalls you are going to reschedule in the ret_from_syscall
stage anyway as now.
I think one of the only interesting places for the preemtable kernel is
copy user stuff that will effectivly be rescheduled as soon as it's
>Well, to start, it would violate Linus' rule, an old UNIX rule, and your
>new IRQ scheme makes it more complex -- you have to make sure to not
>switch out of tasks that are handling unacked interrupts.
The irq scheme is not involved at all (except we would have to forbid the
try-to-reschedule in the case we got an interrupt nested in another irq as
we now we are forbidding the reschedule if the irq happened on top of
kernel code).
>I don't know how to trade throughput for latency without losing throughput.
With the fact we'll have to bloat the fast path (a fast lock like the
above one and all the spinlocks will need an additional
forbid_preempt(smp_processor_id()) the preemtable kernel it's not likely
to be a win.
The latency will decrease without drpping throughtput only in code that
runs for long time with none lock held like the copy_user stuff. That
stuff will run at the same speed as now but with zero scheduler latency.
The _lose_ instead will happen in _all_ the code that grabs any kind of
spinlock because spin_lock/spin_unlock will be slower and the latency
won't decrease for that stuff.
But now by thinking at that stuff I have an idea! Why instead of making
the kernel preemtable we take the other way around? So why instead of
having to forbid scheduling in locked regions, we don't simply allow
rescheduling in some piece of code that we know that will benefit by the
preemtable thing?
The kernel won't be preemtable this way (so we'll keep throughtput in the
locking fast path) but we could mark special section of kernel like the
copy user as preemtable.
It will be quite easy:
static atomic_t cpu_preemtable[NR_CPUS] = { [0..NR_CPUS] = ATOMIC_INIT(0), };
#define preemtable_copy_user(...) \
do { \
atomic_inc(&cpu_preemtable[smp_processor_id()]); \
copy_user(...); \
atomic_dec(&cpu_preemtable[smp_processor_id()]); \
} while (0)
Then the only thing we'll have to change is the irq return path where we
now are are doing:
if (we are _not_ running on top of the kernel)
Now it will have to be:
if (we are _not_ running on top of the kernel ||
That's all. Then we'll have copu_user preemtable with a few lines of
changes. I'll try that immediatly :).
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