> > > I realised that, however what I am trying to point out is that originally
> > > the driver could supply a "no kernel argument default fontname". This seems
> > > to be no longer possible, so to get the font you want to be default, you
> > > have to specifically deny the user from selecting the other fonts by
> > > compiling them out of the kernel.
> > >
> > > This seems to be a step backwards to me. Could it be arranged that:
> > >
> > > 1. If the user specified a font, and the font exists, use this.
> > > 2. If fb_info.fontname is present, and the font exists, use this.
> > > 3. Use the first font available.
> >
> > No it's not a step backwards. It's a step forward. Its just bloat to have
> > a bunch of font sets built into the kernel when you can use a userland app
> > to change the fonts. IMO you should only be able to compile in one font
> > set and use a userland app to change the font sets otherwise. Userland
> > apps are your friend :)
> If there is a need for the fonts before userland is "up", then it is a
> step backwards. Like modedb, there might be a need to have the fonts
> in-kernel, marked with __init[data].
There is surely a need for having fonts in-kernel, at least one, otherwise
most non-x86 platforms will not be very happy ;)
Being able to select a font on the kernel command line can be handy, e.g.
for people for which the default font is too tiny that they cannot read it -
they can use sun12x22 font in that case.
On the other side, marking all fonts as __init and copying it to alloced
space is not a bad idea.
Jakub Jelinek | jakub@redhat.com | http://sunsite.mff.cuni.cz/~jj
Linux version 2.3.51 on a sparc64 machine (1343.49 BogoMips)
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