Re: 3c509 2.2.13

From: Wakko Warner (
Date: Wed Mar 15 2000 - 08:06:39 EST

> WW> This card and this drivers has worked flawlessly for some
> WW> time. The machine in question has been up for 130 and after
> WW> about 10 minutes or less, the card quits talking. I see no
> WW> errors, ifconfig eth0 down;ifconfig eth0 up fixes it.
> I've seen this too, with the same kernel version (possible others
> too). No idea what causes it, though. I went the easy way and replaced
> the card with a 100 megabit PCI card instead. ;-)

Same here. I even unloaded the 3c509 module and it still did the same
thing. Turns out it was 2.2.10 not 13 (driver the same?)

Something else of interest, another machine which was really on 2.2.13
rebooted for no reason (uptime 132 days). Noone could have cracked the box
(noone here is that good and I had a monitor watching logs.)

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