Re: 2.3.51 tulip broken

From: Donald Becker (
Date: Thu Mar 16 2000 - 15:15:09 EST

On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, David Ford wrote:

> Donald, is there a clean way to patch your tulip driver into the kernel (2.3.52
> and up) now that there are numerous files involved?

No, not easily or quickly. The 2.3 structure has been completely changed,
starting from an old driver version. Re-implementing my updates would take
two or three weeks.

> I'm leaving PCMCIA issues out of this for the moment.

They should be considered together: the CardBus (and hot-swap-PCI) design
issues are tightly tied to the media selection issue. The driver must be
prepared to reset and activate the transceiver after a resume from suspend
state. This is different than a in-operation reset. (The former should
retrigger autonegotiation, the latter should not.)

> Can we get a tarball
> release of your tulip driver now or if you give me guidance, I'll write up an
> html page with the necessary instructions for swapping back and forth?

Here is a recent version

My internal version 0.92 has the following updates from v0.91x on that page:
  Various changes to the header files to track 2.3.* updates
  Change the interrupt mitigation setting on line 2733 to
    (Josip Loncaric at ICASE did extensive experimentation to develop a good
    interrupt mitigation setting)
       outl(0x8b240000, ioaddr + CSR11);

Donald Becker
Scyld Computing Corporation,

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