Re: 2.3.51 tulip broken

From: Miquel van Smoorenburg (
Date: Fri Mar 17 2000 - 22:18:55 EST

In article <cistron.Pine.LNX.4.10.10003160846340.4020-100000@vaio.greennet>,
Donald Becker <> wrote:
>That work took several months to complete, during which time incremental
>versons of many driver were readily available using the frequently-changing

Just my $0.02:

Donald, you have created a lot of drivers which I use on a daily
basis. And I am grateful for that.

The only thing is, I neer saw you on linux-kernel. People talked
a lot on linux-kernel and the eepro100 lists about transmit
timeouts etc - yet never a word from you.

So, now that I am finally seeing you on linux-kernel, I really
hope it stays this way. Please - keep subscribed to this list,
work with Linus and the rest on the current kernel. I really
think your insights are valuable. Don't unsubsribe.



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