Re: SHM and programs unable to attach to shm segments

From: Albert D. Cahalan (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 03:05:30 EST

This bit of the Unix98 standard might apply:

---- begin quote ----
The implementation may implement message queues, semaphores, or shared
memory objects as distinct file types. The following macros test
whether a file is of the specified type. The value of the buf argument
supplied to the macros is a pointer to a stat structure. The macro
evaluates to a non-zero value if the specified object is implemented
as a distinct file type and the specified file type is contained in
the stat structure referenced by buf. Otherwise, the macro evaluates
to zero.

S_TYPEISMQ(buf) Test for a message queue
S_TYPEISSEM(buf) Test for a semaphore
S_TYPEISSHM(buf) Test for a shared memory object
---- end quote ----

File types 030000, 050000, 070000, 0130000, and 0170000 are available.
(0x3000 0x5000 0x7000 0xb000 0xf000)

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