Sorry to post this to the main kernel mailing
list, but I couldn't see which maintainer(s) to
send this to.
First, I've been trying(!) to use some CDs
burned using the more recent format (UDF). My
Linux kernel seems OK with these initially, but
mount/umount locks up on all subsequent uses.
Second, I think there's some include file
mangling going on. Bind and util-linux both
barf on /usr/include/linux/string.h,
complaining of a parse error before
I'm using a stock Mandrake 7.0 distro, with
the Linux 2.3.51 kernel. (GCC 2.95.2,
Binutils, glibc 2.1.2)
Any suggestions (other than throwing rotten
tomatos at the computer - didn't help) would be
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