(re-copied to linux-kernel)
On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Bryan Stillwell wrote:
> On Thu, 16 Mar 2000, Jim Morris wrote:
> > using a specific structure, that should be his perogative. And I feel
> > that he ought to be able to send something like a complete copy of
> > tulip.c, rather than small incremental patches, if he wants too. In
> > this case, it is Linus who insists on small, incremental patch
> > submission - and that isn't how Donald is setup to work.
> But doing one big update instead of incremental updates puts a damper on
> how much other people can help out.
Doing one big update instead of incremental updates creates MANY
problems. See my other messages :)
> Donald does great work IMO, but I would really like it if somehow the
> current kernel driver and his driver were joined again and be developed
> jointly. Maybe setting up cvs on Sourceforge would be the answer?
I would LOVE to see this happen.
Donald, I, and others all seem to agree that having his drivers and
the kernel drivers diverge is a poor situation. However, while Donald
continues closed source development with periodic code drops, and does
not work with other kernel developers when creating infrastructure, I do
not see a resolution to the situation any time soon.
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