Re: 2.3.51 tulip broken

From: Alan Cox (
Date: Sat Mar 18 2000 - 10:32:47 EST

> 1) Should the kernel source code interfaces, for well-understood
> interfaces, be stable? (We are solidly committed not having a binary
> interface, so bringing that up is a red herring.)

For stable kernel series yes. And they should be frozen a bit before
the first release so that stuff can be checked over and solidified

> 2a) Given that development kernels are frequently unstable in some
> unexpected way, is is reasonable force testing of driver changes
> combined with unknown other changes?

I had a lot of the same problems trying to get stuff sorted with you for 2.2.x
though, and that is a stable API and a basically sound kernel. The pci_netif
stuff broke spectacularly on it, with cards appearing 8 times and the like.

I switched to Andrey Savochim's eepro100 driver because it actually worked
and he was fixing the bugs people were reporting. I try on the whole to keep
close to your drivers (pre netif anyway) but they have bugs in them that just
aren't getting fixed - the 21041 + modern tulip problem, the 3c590 8K hang
under load (all driver revs >0.49!) and the eepro100 hangs.

That tells me several things - as Jeff can now testify network cards are evil
buggy little contraptions. If the bugs aren't getting fixed then we need more
people beating on those drivers and hacking them

> 2b) Given that the kernel continues to exponentially increasing in size,
> should all development go through the latest development kernel?

Lots of driver people work against the stable kernel - but in SMALL updates.
That is one of the important things.

> should be using the development source tree. But the "official" advice to
> anyone with device problems, frequently repeated on the kernel mailing list,
> is to run the latest development kernel.

No the official advice os to run the latest pre release stable kernel.


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